Behind-The-Scenes | Jonny Bourgault's 1995 Sportster Photoshoot

We recently built this ‘95 Sportster for our friend, Jonny Bourgault, that he aptly named “Cherry Garcia.” It features our second ever '82-'03 Sportster Hardtail Kit and Jonny steered the design of the bike as a whole while we helped bring his vision to life. 
He’s a really talented photographer who has shot for a variety of major publications in our industry and we love getting to see all the images he makes along the way. So, it only seemed natural that we ask him to shoot his bike for us. 
We decided to tag along during the shoot to get a glimpse of how he shoots and ask a few questions about his history and approach with photography. 
We hope you enjoy getting to know Jonny a little and be sure to check him out online at the links below:
Jonny’s website:
If you'd like to watch Jonny talk about his Sportster and the decisions that went into the build, you can check that out below.