We hope you all have a great holiday weekend! We're unplugging for a few days to spend time with family and loved ones, but before we do, we wanted to thank you for another great year.
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This 1952 Harley-Davidson Panhead has been in our office for roughly six months. We decided it was time to start it up and let some fluids run through the internals of the engine, so we pushed the bike outside to see how easily we could get it started.
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Not only is Joey Cano quick-witted, he’s known for churning out some of our industry’s most impressive custom motorcycles and paint jobs. With the drive to outdo himself every time he leaves the paint booth, it’s clear he didn’t earn that reputation by accident.
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We’re on the outskirts of Charlotte, North Carolina for this episode of My Garage. Rick and Ramsey Allen are a father and son duo who operate their family-owned business while simultaneously building one of the most impressive vintage Harley-Davidson collections we’ve seen.
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Born-Free brought their show from Silverado, California to Mt. Enterprise, Texas for the first time ever last weekend. We loaded up and headed out with a group of friends to see what Yellow Rose Canyon had to offer.
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