
Not gonna lie, I hemmed & hawed about buying one of these for a couple of weeks. I haven't built a bike in a while & I know I'm out of touch with prices, but the idea of ponying up $90 for a tail light (a freaking TAIL LIGHT) was hurting my feelings. I keep coming back to it though. Couldn't get over how pretty it would look, with a frame welded into my sissy bar so I figured why not. I didn't start fooling with bikes to save money!
Hot DAMN is this thing nice!
Once you have it in your hand you can 100% appreciate the cost. It's built like a tank & fits together like a Swiss watch. The machining is sublime & fitting the lens in with the coiled snap ring is a purely joyful feeling.
I couldn't be happier & I can't wait to fire up the welder!
Awesome product!!!!!